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3Shape academy Denmark

3Shape Academy

Our trainings in Benelux
Take part in our unique 3Shape Academy Trainings for end-users to ensure that you get the most value from our 3Shape solutions. You can utilize this knowledge to offer your patients a fast, comfortable and effective experience!

Are you on TRIOS Care? Do not forget to book your 1 hours’ worth dental expert session, which you have as a TRIOS Care user every year. It's a great opportunity to dive into, for example: 

  • The TRIOS toolkit (e.g. bite scan) or patient engagement apps
  • Scanning for crowns & bridges or special/advanced cases (e.g. implants, dentures)
  • Common scanning mistakes and how to solve them


3Shape Academy Benelux Training Courses

Through the 3Shape Academy we want to bring the cutting edge closer to you. From refresher and tips and tricks courses that hone your skills, to introduction to advanced workflows and innovative design. The 3Shape Benelux syllabus is designed with your growth in mind.It is our goal to ensure you get the most out of your 3Shape solution. 3Shape invests many resources to build an environment filled with inspiration and freedom – driven by purpose and vision. We do our utmost to create the best learning environment for you. Your 3Shape solution is a product that will continually develop. As the digital ecosystem changes it is imperative that 3Shape customers have access to the latest innovations and digital solutions as they develop. All courses take place online in small groups up to a maximum of 10 participants.

Dental System Full Dentures
Date & time
Youri Van Miegroet
Tijdens deze webinar toont onze trainer het designparcours van de Referentie Prothese. Via individuele Instelling in Control Panel gaan we over tot het volledige design in Dental System
Dental System Full Dentures
Date & time
Youri Van Miegroet
Au cours de ce webinaire, notre formateur montrera le parcours de conception de la prothèse de référence. En passant par les réglages individuels dans le panneau de configuration, nous procédons à la conception complète dans Dental System.
Dental System Basic Training
Date & time
Youri Van Miegroet
Na deze training weten de deelnemers de benodigde functies en toepassingen om standaard kroon en brugwerk te ontwerpen in Dental System
Dental System Implant Design
Date & time
Youri Van Miegroet
Après cette formation, les participants connaîtront les fonctions et applications nécessaires pour concevoir une structure sur implants dans Dental System.

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